Articles 3632

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 3632

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-05-18Hedonic motivations in online consumption behaviourMartínez-López, Francisco J.; Pla-Garcia, Cintia; Gázquez-Abad, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez-Ardura, Inma
2014-06Utilitarian motivations in online consumption: dimensional structure and scalesMartínez-López, Francisco J.; Pla-Garcia, Cintia; Gázquez-Abad, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez-Ardura, Inma
2023-05-15La evolución de la terminología sobre reproducción asistida en los diccionarios y el corpus de lengua españolaDomènech-Bagaria, Ona; Santamaría-Pérez, Isabel
2004-10Labor market adjustment in ChileCowan, Kevin; Micco, Alejandro; Pages, Carmen; Urquiola, Miguel; Saavedra, Jaime
2013-08-19Resistin and visfatin in steatotic and non-steatotic livers in the setting of partial hepatectomy under ischemia-reperfusionElias-Miró, Maria; Mendes Braz, Mariana; Cereijo, Rubén; Villarroya, Francesc; Jiménez-Castro, Mónica B.; Gracia-Sancho, Jordi; Guixé-Muntet, Sergi; Massip-Salcedo, Marta; Domingo, Joan Carles; Bermudo Gascón, Raquel; Rodés, Juan; Peralta, Carmen
2013-07-15Adiponectin and resistin protect steatotic livers undergoing transplantationJiménez-Castro, Mónica B.; CASILLAS-RAMÍREZ, ARANI; Mendes Braz, Mariana; Massip-Salcedo, Marta; Gracia-Sancho, Jordi; Elias-Miró, Maria; Rodés, Juan; Peralta, Carmen
2000-10The cost of job security regulation: evidence from Latin American labor marketsHeckman, James; Pages, Carmen
2022-04-01María José Ragué Arias, pionera en el estudio del teatro contemporáneo hispánico y catalán con perspectiva de géneroNicolau Jiménez, Adriana
2020-11Context based emotion recognition using EMOTIC datasetKOSTI, RONAK; Alvarez, Jose M.; Recasens Continente, Adria; Lapedriza, Agata
2022-07-13Modeling subjective affect annotations with multi-task learningHayat, Hassan; Ventura, Carles; Lapedriza, Agata
2002-01Children’s encoding of simultaneity in British Sign Language narrativesMorgan, Gary
2023-04-19Transcription of child sign languageMorgan, Gary
2009-06From precautionary inadequacy to participatory risk managementGarcia Hom, Anna; Moles Plaza, Ramon; Fàbregues, Sergi; Palmen, Rachel
2019-07-24The framing of risk and implications for policy and governance: the case of EMFGarcia Hom, Anna; Moles Plaza, Ramon; Palmen, Rachel
2020-04Women Underrepresentation in R&I: A Sector Program Assessment of the Contribution of Gender Equality Policies in Research and InnovationStriebing, Clemens; Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia; Palmen, Rachel; Holzinger, Florian; Nagy, Beata
2019-12Pragmatic ex-ante evaluation using an innovative conceptual framework: The case of a high-tech entrepreneurship program for womenStriebing, Clemens; Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia; Palmen, Rachel
2019-06-01Measuring gender in R&I – theories, methods, and experiencePalmen, Rachel; Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia; Striebing, Clemens; Reidl, Sybille; Bührer, Susanne; Groó, Dóra
2019-12Analysing facilitating and hindering factors for implementing gender equality interventions in R&I: Structures and processesPalmen, Rachel; Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia
2024-06Prevalence of comorbidity of autism and ADHD and associated characteristics in school population: EPINED studyCanals, Josefa; Morales Hidalgo, Paula; Voltas, Núria; Hernández-Martínez, Carmen
2018-12-12Virtual Reality as a New Approach for Risk Taking AssessmentDe Juan Ripoll, Carla; Soler-Dominguez, Jose Luis; Guixeres Provinciale, Jaime; Contero, Manuel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Noemi; Alcaniz, Mariano
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 3632