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Title: Què diuen els centres educatius de Catalunya sobre la incorporació d'educadors i educadores socials a les escoles i instituts?
Other Titles: ¿Qué dicen los centros educativos de Cataluña sobre la incorporación de educadoras y educadores sociales en las escuelas y los institutos?
What do the educational centres of Catalonia have to say about the incorporation of social educators in primary and secondary schools?
Solé Blanch, Jordi  
Meneses, Julio  
Castillo Carbonell, Miquel
Fàbregues, Sergi  
Citation: Bretones Peregrina, E., Solé Blanch, J., Meneses Naranjo, J., Castillo Carbonell, M. & Fàbregues Feijóo, S. (2019). Què diuen els centres educatius de Catalunya sobre la incorporació d'educadores i educadors socials a les escoles i els instituts?. Educació Social. Revista d'Intervenció Socioeducativa, 71, 39-59
Abstract: Teachers and social educators share and engage with similar problems which call for cooperative work to construct educational alternatives. The improvement of success at school entails guaranteeing effective interdisciplinary work among the different agents involved. This article collects relevant information on the incorporation of social educators in the educational system in Catalonia, in relation both to their degree of integration in the dynamics of primary and secondary schools and to the conditions that facilitate or hinder the exercise of their professional function as educational agents. The data provided is the result of research carried out in the 2017-2018 academic year, which takes note of the positioning of the management teams of 498 Catalan primary and secondary schools. A commitment to the incorporation of social educators in educational teams will require a change of position on the part of the members of the educational community in terms of the drawing up of educational projects, the reassigning of traditional roles and functions and the articulation of common work spaces.
Keywords: professional cultures
social educators
professional functions
educational centres
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 8-Apr-2019
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