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Title: Conceptualització i disseny d'una aplicació per a la gestió d'explotacions agrícoles
Author: Masip Ardèvol, Àngels
Director: García-Solórzano, David  
Porta-Simó, Laura  
Tutor: Schvarstein Liuboschetz, Sergio
Abstract: In the past few years, farmers¿ lives have changed due to the advance in both: society and the different sectors. All of these changes require an extended management of the farms, as it has become more complicated. Farmers have to hold of different lands, plantations, treatments, production and costs among others. For this reason, it has been decided to conceptualize and design an application to manage agricultural operating. This definition is very broad, so it is necessary to limit the scope so that the development is feasible. The methodology used in this project is user-centered in order to develop an application that satisfies the user's main needs. As a result, the "AgroUp" application's prototype has been obtained. This application can manage lands, plantations, treatments and phytosanitary products. It also has a phytosanitary product searcher and the possibility of consulting meteorological information regarding the different lands. This prototype has been implemented in mobile and desktop versions. In conclusion, the final prototype has almost achieved all of its main objectives. It can help farmers to manage a little part of their data and be stored, although some improvements and extensions are still to be studied in order to analyse the different possibilities for the application.
Keywords: web progressive application
management and design
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 7-Jun-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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