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Title: AppArticles: punt de venda Android integrable a qualsevol empresa
Author: Ortega Duarte, Javier
Director: Garrigues, Carles  
Tutor: Caballero González, Carlos
Abstract: The idea of this project is to develop an application that shows the products of a company. Each product will have its own characteristicsa and photographs and can be searched and also located on the map. The application will allow multiple languages without touching the source code. If we are interested in a product, we can send an email to the company with the desired reference. The most interesting part is the ability to configure the characteristics of each product without having to touch the source code. We will put as example a company that sells cars and bicycles. The cars can have the characteristics: places, power and fuel. Bicycles, on the other hand, may have different characteristics, for example: number of wheels and number of gears. The characteristics will have a type, for example, the power will be of numerical type and, the fuel, on the other hand, will be a list of values: petrol, diesel, electric ... All this will be defined in the configuration. This flexibility will allow us to adapt to any company. It will be necessary to define a back-end [1], which will handle the data of the company (either from a web, an ERP ...) and will create a sqlite database with the structure required This database will contain the configuration of the products and their data. The database will be uploaded to an FTP server and the application will download it every time it detects a new version. The company will decide the refresh rate of the database. The back-end and the download for FTP is beyond the scope of this work.
Keywords: Android
mobile applications
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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