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Title: Tècniques d'alta directivitat en antenes microstrip amb superstrat
Author: Carrillo Navarro, Victor
Director: Cobo Rodríguez, Germán  
Tutor: Anguera, Jaume  
Andújar, Aurora  
Abstract: The huge expansion of increasingly compact and small devices has led to a significant change in the way of analyzing, designing and implementing future improvements in the telecommunications worlds. Due to this fact, it so important to take in consideration, ways of providing highly efficient systems with the least possible economic impact. This work will focus on the study of microstrip antennas, as they are currently one of the most important and popular kinds of antennas in the wireless communications market. The actions that will be carried out throughout the work will be for example, changing the size of the different structures through the IE3D simulation software. The analysis of the simulated results will be compared with the theoretical results and the corresponding comparatives of the most important parameters that intervene in the real design of an antenna (directivity, efficiency, currents, losses, radiation diagrams, etc.). The main objective of this work is to analyze and study through related articles, some of the current techniques that allow a high directivity without the need to use grouping of antennas. In this way, the impact of designing structures with geometries, shapes, techniques and different sizes in the improvement of the directivity, antenna efficiency and radiation, improvement of the beams of the radiation diagram among others will be studied.
Keywords: 5G environments
high directivity
microstrip antennas
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 17-Jun-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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