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Title: Comunidades de práctica: fundamentos, caracterización y comportamiento
Author: Sanz-Martos, Sandra  
Director: Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez, Mario
Abstract: This PhD thesis presents two main objectives. On the one hand, it aims to delimit and define the concept of community of practice. On the other, by analysing successful cases, it seeks to identify the elements that help communities of practice function properly. The thesis is structured as follows: we will first take a look at the predecessors of communities of practice, attending to humankind¿s natural predisposition towards cooperation, and to earlier forms of organization based on shared experiences. Secondly, after a review of specialized literature, we will proceed to define key concepts, such as community, virtual community and virtual social networks. After that, we will define and characterize the term ¿community of practice¿ and set up a comparative analysis of other groups and teams, along with other kinds of virtual communities. This will lead us to the next section, where we will emphasize the relevant contribution online environments make in communities of practice. Then, by exploring classic case examples of communities of practice (Xerox and the medical insurance claim processors), we will extract criteria that will allow us to show that communities of practice do indeed work, and to define the success factors that make them possible. Finally, we will delve into the analysis of the selected cases, applying these assessment criteria and success factors. This process will give us the opportunity to test these factors and suggest a model of the elements that favour the proper running of communities of practice.
Keywords: community of practice
social networks
virtual communities
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Issue Date: 17-Oct-2010
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Appears in Collections:Tesis doctorals

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