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Title: Pla d'acció Coneixement Obert: marc d'actuació
Author: Aibar, Eduard  
Aranda, Daniel  
Cambra Marín, Inés
Camps-Pinós, Aida
Carrillo Arnal, Anna  
Castells Canela, Jordi
Espejo Martinez, Enric
Llueca, Ciro  
López-Borrull, Alexandre  
Padrós-Cuxart, Rosa  
Riera, Clara  
Rius Alcaraz, Lluís
Santos-Hermosa, Gema
Sosa Carmona, Mònica
Director: Gmelch, Nadja  
Xarles-Jubany, Gemma  
Martínez Samper, Pastora
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: Systematically opening up UOC knowledge is a commitment to the future. It will help our university to become more visible in the international arena, as all knowledge that is published in open access and online is inevitably global. It will make the excellence of the UOC's research and training contents more visible, and thus increase the University's attractiveness to Catalan and international students and to the research community and beyond. As we have the 'o' for open right in the middle of our name, we have decided to use it as the basic concept of the Open Knowledge Action Plan. The Action Plan serves to reinforce and reconnect with this 'o' for open and apply it to the entire knowledge production and transfer process.
Keywords: Open knowledge
Open science
Open access
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
Issue Date: 1-May-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Documents institucionals

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