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Title: Participació familiar i la seva incidència en el SIEI: El benefici de la seva implicació
Author: Herrerias Flores, Alba
Tutor: Lluch Molins, Laia  
Abstract: The participation, relationship and communication between school and families should be a fundamental aspect for the development and school success of students, working with common objectives to benefit them. This research is focused and carried out in a public high school in Catalonia with the main objective of analyzing the characteristics of the involvement of families with children in the SIEI as beneficial factors in the school success of students. The research is carried out on a sample of 15 women (11 family members and 4 professionals of the SIEI team) with an average age between 41 and 50 years old. For its implementation, a mixed methodology was chosen, combining quantitative and qualitative data, through online questionnaires and a semi-structured interview. The results obtained show how the involvement of families with the SIEI team benefits the educational success of their children. In this way, the research corroborates what previous studies had advanced and pedagogically evidences the importance of the family with children with SEN, as active agents who participate in collaboration with the SIEI professionals. Therefore, the main hypothesis of this study, if there is a good participation and collaboration of the families with the SIEI, benefits the students participating, is not rejected. The results allow us to propose future lines of work in which to carry out joint projects for the entire educational community and for a greater educational response to the changing needs of the students.
Keywords: Pupils with special educational needs (SEN)
Intensive support for inclusive schooling (SIEI)
family involvement
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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