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Title: Aproximació a les condicions de treball dels professionals del tercer sector que intervenen amb persones d'origen estranger a Catalunya
Author: Navarro Pastor, Daniel
Tutor: Sanjuán Núñez, Lucía  
Abstract: This research work has been aimed at achieving a first approximation to the working conditions of the professionals of the third sector who intervene specifically with people of foreign origin in Catalonia, due to the lack of specific data around them and possible implications of these working conditions (health effects, degree of perceived well-being, etc.). Specifically, the research has been directed to try to know the working conditions, possible situations of precarious work and the most common psychosocial risks of this group of professionals, as well as to make visible their perceptions and demands. From the main conclusions obtained, we can highlight aspects related to precariousness, such as a high rate of contractual temporality and salaries below the state and Catalan average. There are also strong protective factors, which help to achieve a medium level of well-being for the job, such as the support of other colleagues and the existence of a good work environment. Likewise, it is important to mention the impact of gender and age factors within the working conditions they present. Among the most common psychosocial risks, the high emotional demand, the high work rate and the excessive amount of this stand out. Health effects are not very frequent, but they do have a significant impact on the lives of the people affected. Among the proposed measures, the most demanded are organizational and planning changes by the entities, salary and agreement improvements, and an increase in resources allocated to the sector.
Keywords: psychosocial risk factors
third sector
foreign population
working conditions
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 13-Jan-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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