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Title: Tractaments nutricionals pels pacients de càncer d'esòfag i pàncrees durant l'ingrés hospitalari. Revisió Bibliogràfica
Author: Balart de los Inocentes, Laia
Tutor: Becerra-Tomás, Nerea  
Abstract: NTG are one of the most distinguished due to the hight frequency and aggressiveness among the adult population. In CE and CP the risk of malnutrition does exist. Malnutrition is a very common feature in digestive neoplasms, since the disease can itself cause anorexia, cachexia, a feeling of prompt satiety, vital organs alteration and a degradation of the immune response. Malnutrition due to neoplasms is associated with a worse prognosis and a decrease in survival. This review aims to analyze the nutrition management and the indications that should be followed for the most appropriate treatment, depending on the treatment and clinical situation of the oncology patient: pre-O, PO, QMT and RDT and radiotherapy during the EH. The results suggest that the most appropriate nutritional treatments are individualized dietary counseling, nutritional therapies such as NE or NP, SNO and DO adapted to the needs of each patient. In conclusion, nutritional treatments help to reverse and maintain optimum nutritional status, reduce the number of complications related to the disease process, comply with and tolerate oncological treatments, and reduce hospital stay.
Keywords: esophageal neoplasm
pancreatic neoplasm
cancer treatment
nutritional treatment
nutritional support
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Feb-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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