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Title: Empoderamiento femenino y desarrollo local en la España vaciada. Caso de estudio: Teruel
Author: Tárraga Davia, Josefa Belén
Tutor: Morales-Pérez, Soledad  
Abstract: Feminist movements have revealed the gender inequalities in our society. Although the tourism sector is an important source of female employment, it is not exempt from suffering these inequalities. The present work aims to give impetus to the scarce research in tourism from a gender perspective in our country. On the one hand, we consider that tourism can be a tool for female empowerment and the reduction of gender inequalities and, on the other; the territorial scope where our research is carried out is the province of Teruel that reflects very well the effects of emptied Spain. These unpopulated rural areas can provide opportunities for tourism entrepreneurship for women, making territorial revitalization and local development possible. The main objective of this work is to analyse female entrepreneurship in the tourism sector in unpopulated areas and its effects on local development and individual and collective female empowerment. The qualitative research carried out through semi-structured interviews with women from the rural area of the province of Teruel and the review of official documents gives us knowledge to define the type of tourism business in which women undertake. The role of rural women and their perception of empowerment is also described, proposals and measures to favour female entrepreneurship are identified, and tourism development plans that incorporate a gender perspective are evaluated. The results obtained confirm the main hypothesis that sustainable tourism activity in depopulated rural areas is an entrepreneurial opportunity for women and a territorial revitalization solution. Rural women undertake sustainable tourism businesses and their main objective is to seek a positive relationship with the territory where the businesses are located, achieving a common benefit capable of reactivating these areas under sustainable criteria. As a consequence of a masculinized rural environment, rural women have been invisible and their efforts and capacity to create roots in the territory have not been valued. Currently, we identify a new identity of rural women, more trained, self-confident and eager to undertake. These women have managed to empower themselves individually through their entrepreneurial experiences and consider that they can serve as an example for collective empowerment through the generation of common spaces where associationism is favoured. In spite of this, the indicated measures and proposals do not take into account the gender perspective and consider only the problems derived from depopulation. Similarly, the non-existence of tourism development plans in the province of Teruel is verified and the development plan analysed at the regional level does not incorporate the gender perspective. In this sense, the conclusions of our work highlight the importance of the implementation of public and private measures and policies that incorporate the gender factor to favour female tourism entrepreneurship capable of achieving the dynamization of depopulated areas and curb the depopulation.
Keywords: female empowerment
local development
gender perspective
emptied Spain
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 12-Feb-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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