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Title: Rush the Cosmos
Author: Palacios Garzón, Angel Camilo
Director: Arnedo-Moreno, Joan  
Tutor: Tejedor Navarro, Heliodoro  
Abstract: Rush the Cosmos is a 2D space multiplayer game for Android devices. The aim is to allow up to 4 players to join a match and compete in real time to conquer as much of the scene as possible. To do so, they must claim the planets scattered across the map. The game uses a typical server + client application, where one of the players creates a room for the other players to join. This first player acts as host and client at the same time. The other players are clients on this host. The use of the Photon Bolt engine to handle the matchmaking and the synchronization of the network objects proved smooth and reliable. Its use is also very similar to that of Unity¿s HLAPI that we already learnt during this master's program. During the testing process with volunteers the game showed positive engagement and a lot of feedback from these users was noted about new features that they would like to see in the game. This project's architecture has been thought keeping iterations in mind. This first version of the game will certainly be extended in the months following its presentation and defense. One example could be the Campaign mode, global leaderboards, new space ships, weapons and structures, etc.
Keywords: Android
Unity 2D
video games
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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