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Title: Pla de social media per al llançament d'un oli d'oliva verge extra de les Garrigues
Author: Masip Pujol, Joanna
Tutor: Concepción Sepúlveda, Luis  
Abstract: Nowadays the social media has become one of the most important platforms for businesses. However, the olive oil producers of les Garrigues aren't in this channels. The local cooperatives are reluctant to innovate and open to new markets, because they aren't interested or they have old structures. Nevertheless, the olive oil product has a high quality, is close and beneficial and has an audience that is interested in it, but it is necessary to be on the digital medias to find them. In this way, there are local cooperative that have social media profiles but they don't post about the olive oil culture and don't use different content according to each social media. The purpose of this project is to create a social media plan for a new olive oil of les Garrigues that includes the questions mentioned before. Therefore, the project analyses the business from in and outside and describes the objectives, the actions, the key performance indicators and the target, also provides a role and the social media profiles. Finally, it shows many examples of posts and the methods to analyse the strategy.
Keywords: social media plan
extra virgin olive oil of les garrigues
oil sector
social media strategy
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 5-Jun-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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