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Title: Influencias de la diversidad en los doblajes Disney
Author: Mortes López, Demi Elia
Tutor: Borrell Carreras, Helena  
Abstract: When thinking of Disney, we think about magic and the worlds we took refuge in as children, worlds that, to many, came through dubbing. Comparing the Spanish and its original counterpart, we can see that diversity does not always show in both, nor its always positive when we find it. Thanks to authors such as LippiGreen, Øksendal, or Gómez Pérez, we analyze the polyphony in the company's most successful films to check how diversity is distributed and perceived. As part of our analysis, we also take close attention to the characteristics associated with the characters that show different varieties from the standard, to check how are they used and the associations they receive. This way, we can find out which trend each version follows, and if it could be positive or, on the contrary, be perpetuating stereotypes or the marginalization of different varieties.
Keywords: audiovisual translation
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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