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Title: I tu, com el vols?projecte participatiu per a l'elaboració dels plans de joventut de l'Alt Pirineu i l'Aran
Author: Colilles Gómez, Ingrid
Director: Borge, Rosa  
Tutor: Ferrer-Fons, Mariona  
Abstract: This papers develops a participation plan for the territories of the l'Alt Pirineu i l'Aran with the aim that young people can be part of the public policies that affect their territory and, of this that way, their needs are reflected. In addition, having detected numerous similarities between the territories that make up the geographical area of the l'Alt Pirineu i l'Aran, this aims to be a guide to develop the different local or regional plans so that the territories can share strategy goals and thus achieve more ambitious goals. Therefore, after detecting the need to make a project or youth plan that encompasses all the territories that make up the l'Alt Pirineu i l'Aran, it has been decided to develop this work as an applicable, realistic and effective project. The participatory plan in question would be developed, on the one hand, from the use of new participation mechanisms such as electronic participation and the use of ICT tools to carry out the project and make it effective, and on the other hand, it would also be combined with a more traditional face-to-face dimension in order to ensure the heterogeneity of participants in a territory where the culture of participation is still very incipient. Finally, this proposed participation plan is in line with the objectives of the National Youth Emancipation Network: to facilitate the participation and emancipation of young people by optimizing resources and sharing strategies so that this process can be the guide to advance in terms of participation in the youth area of the whole territory.
Keywords: ICT
electronic administration
open government
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 17-Jun-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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