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Title: Craneofaringioma infantil: Evaluación y rehabilitación neuropsicológica
Author: Carracedo Sanchidrián, Diego
Tutor: Sánchez Castañeda, Cristina
Abstract: Patient presentation: 10-year and 11-month-old child who underwent a tumor mass complete resection for craniopharyngioma 9 months ago. A presurgical neuropsychological evaluation was made. Pathology description: Craniopharyngiomas are rare tumors, accounting for 1-4% of childhood intracranial tumors. They are usually located in the selar region of the brain and up to 50% of cases are diagnosed before the age of 14. Main evaluation results: The patient had a global intellectual performance within the normal range. However, he had attentional, memory and executive disturbances. The attentional disfunction was significantly worse than in the previous evaluation, and together with the memory and executive impairment, causes interference in the child's academic performance. Objective of the intervention: The main objective of the intervention is to reduce the cognitive and behavioral sequelae of the surgical intervention in the patient, increasing his level of functioning, basically at school. Description of the intervention: The intervention will extend during 6 months. It will consist of 2 weekly sessions of 1 hour each, resulting in a total of 48 sessions. The principles of flexibility, dynamism, ecological validity indicated for children with attention and executive problems will be followed. It will include pencil and paper tasks and computer work. They will be structured hierarchically, following an order from easiest to most difficult, and playful activities taken from the child's own preferences will be included. Of the total of 48 sessions, 6 will include work with parents.
Keywords: childhood tumor
cognitive rehabilitation
neuropsychological evaluation
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2020
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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