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Title: La guerra fría españols del siglo XXI. Los efectos del proceso soberanista catalán (2012-actualidad) y la posición del gobierno de Cataluña y el español
Author: López García, Sergio
Director: Serrano, Ivan  
Tutor: Martínez Tapia, Oscar
Abstract: The Sovereign Process in Catalonia (2012-2020), as the great issue that has generated debate and controversy in Catalan society and the rest of the state affecting politics in Spain and at European level. There is a duality between the supporters of a new Independent State and those who want to preserve the current status quo, or a reform of it. Approaches and actions have varied in number, position and discourse, generating a very convulsed period in Catalan and Spanish political and social life. One of the main effects of the Catalan sovereign process has been the polarization of Catalan society, with the creation of large blocks, increasingly waterproof and facing each other, with forces, with a centripetal dynamic, by which there is an attempt to re-centralise the State and other centrifugal forces, where the break with the rest of Spain is the objective. The positions held by both the Catalan and Spanish governments during these years of the sovereign process have helped to complicate rather than resolve the situation. The fundamental question would be whether there is already an irremediable social cleavage, where disaffection has taken hold in Catalan society.
Keywords: sovereignty
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 18-Jun-2020
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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