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Title: Estudio sobre las ventajas y limitaciones de la relectura con el método global. Efectos en los errores de las dimensiones básicas del Test Tidel
Author: Maltrana Pérez, Laura
Tutor: Solà Descamps, Lluís  
Abstract: Once the importance of reading in the learning process of new knowledge is well known, this research is focused on the re-reading advantages in the reading process. It is based on the global reading method and it provide the effects of reading speed errors. The aim of this research is to know the different types of reading errors in relation with the first reading of a text and to find out if they will be others in the second one. This research is composed by two stages. In The first one, in the scholar period 2019-20, with a group of teachers who explain their primary school students' reading errors. And the second one will be developed along the next scholar season 2020-21. The results of the study phase 1 are consistent with previous researches results; the most common are omission errors, substitutions and self-correction.
Keywords: reading errors
global reading method
reading speed
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2020
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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