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Title: Securització d'un sistema de telemetria IoT
Author: Barredo Cordón, Adrián
Tutor: Caparrós, Joan  
Others: Rifà-Pous, Helena  
Abstract: Nowadays IoT devices are widespread in various areas of our daily lives but many manufactures neglect or underestimate the importance of security measures in these devices putting our privacy at risk. While some manufactures implement appropriate security measures in their IoT devices, there are others that do not implement any security measures. This paper aims to implement a prototype of an IoT-based telemetry System using BLE in order to assess the possibility and difficulty of implementing security measures in such Systems. Arduino and Raspberry Pi are used to do this as they are two low-cost boards with a good performance and small dimensions. To carry out the project, the protocols involved in BLE Communications as well as the libraries available for the selected platforms in the field of BLE communications, asymmetric cryptography, etc have been investigated. Once the telemetry system prototype has been implemented, it has been concluded that it is possible to implement security measures on current IoT devices despite their processing limitations.
Keywords: BLE
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 29-Dec-2020
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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