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Title: NutriWEB: Aplicación para la gestión y seguimiento nutricional
Author: Ruiz Pavón, Juan Carlos
Director: Soler-Adillon, Joan  
Tutor: Ustrell Garrigós, Jordi
Abstract: After analyzing the problem of the great investment of time that supposes for personal trainers and nutritionists, the elaboration of diet plans in comparison with its duration in time, the present project presents a web application of professional help for the development of this type of work. Under the technologies of .Net Core and Visual c# in its Blazor environment, on the client side we find a graphical interface developed with the markup language HTML and CSS and Javascript and an APIRest with technology for data consumption on the server side. The database used is SQLServer and it is already correctly integrated in the project. The idea is to make a first version of the application in production phase for later expansion to other devices and more modular functionality focused on adding new future features. The application integrates two front-end versions to separate the administration part from the customer part, which has an informative dashboard of their progress, diets and evolution, while the front-end administration, has the tools to automate the processes of elaboration of both and monitoring of customers. In conclusion, the application aims to facilitate the work of a defined professional sector and to implement an expandable technology that can be modularly extended in the future.
Keywords: web applications
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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