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Title: Voto por internet en democracia: estudio de los casos de Estonia y España
Author: Pascual Ginard, María del Pilar
Director: Borge, Rosa  
Tutor: Dueñas Cid, David
Abstract: The objective of this work is to demonstrate how electronic voting in its remote mode (online voting) is a clear manifestation of the use of ICTs in politics and to determine whether it is capable of improving democratic relations. To do this, we analyze its impact on citizen participation in electoral processes through the experiences of Estonia and Spain. In an e-democracy, remote electronic voting is an opportunity for those citizens with problems to exercise their right to vote: residents abroad, people with difficulties in accessing polling stations, etc. On the other hand, it means breaking the generation gap by increasing the participation of the youngest and at the same time it is a challenge for adults to carry out their own e-literacy. However, in order for it to produce the expected results, it is necessary to provide the system with a series of guarantees and provide it with legal coverage that is in line with technological evolution. However, in the end, the success of the result will also be conditioned by another series of factors unrelated to the technological ones, such as the socio-economic development of the country, its political context, mobilization factors, the interest of citizens in politics and the democratic socialization of individuals.
Keywords: online voting
electronic democracy
digital divide
digital public services
electronic participation
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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