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Title: Efectes cognitius i psicològics de l'aïllament en solitari als centres penitenciaris de Catalunya
Author: Escuder Romeva, Gemma
Tutor: Carnes, Anna  
Abstract: Introduction. Solitary confinement is one of the type of life's regimes in penitentiary facilities. In Spain, there are not studies about the cognitive and psychological effects during the stay in this regime. The international literature has shown that subjects under this regime may suffer different psychological effects depending on the length of stay and other variables such as the presence of a history of mental illness. Objectives. To describe the cognitive and psychological effects derived from the stay in solitary confinement in the penitentiary centers of Catalonia, as well as to establish the psychological and neuropsychological profile of the inmates who enter this regime of life. It will also analyze which variables are related to the effects and differences between men and women. Methods. This is an observational and prospective analytical study with case-controls. Socio-demographic, clinical and legal-penitentiary variables and neuropsychological and psychological variables will be collected through standardized tests. Participants will be assessed at five times during their stay in solitary confinement and one month after their stay. Results. We expect to find differences in the psychological and neuropsychological profile between subjects in solitary confinement with respect to those in ordinary regime. We expect to identify a worsening of neuropsychological performance and psychological state throughout the assessments in the group in solitary confinement, as well as a recovery from baseline status once the solitary confinement ends. We also expect to find differences in the effects of solitary confinement depending on gender.
Keywords: solitary confinement
penitentiary facility
neuropsychological impairment
psychological impairment
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2021
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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