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Title: Hacia la formación de una competencia digital crítica. Ejercicio de análisis de las condiciones de uso de software/apps de uso frecuente
Author: Raffaghelli, Juliana Elisa
Romeu, Teresa  
Romero Carbonell, Marc
Abstract: The main objective of this exercise is to deepen the recognition of critical aspects of the technologies that educators work with, based on how these technologies have evolved and approached their development and business models. Indeed, during COVID19 , a selection of tools that may not be fully informed has been criticised. These tools carry risks linked to forms of manipulation or control that are undesirable for teachers and students. The exercise starts with a guided analysis of software chosen by students or educators, and aims to generate a phase of individual and collaborative reflection on the information analysed. It is hoped that at the end of the exercise, participants will be more aware of the issues linked to the use of certain tools, in particular with regard to the use of data and input within the sphere of user privacy.
Keywords: data literacy
critical digital competence
higher education
terms of use
mobile applications
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/other
Issue Date: 31-Aug-2020
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Recursos de aprendizaje UOC