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Title: Hibridaciones sociomateriales: Reontologizando el diseño para el post-Antropoceno
Author: Gisasola Maiztegi, Nestor
Tutor: Gil Farrero, Judit  
Abstract: In an exercise to overcome the ways of proceeding that have given rise to the Anthropocene, various coordinates of thought call for a decentering of the role of human agency in conceiving change in the world. These thoughts 1) formulate ontologies that allow us to understand the becoming of the world in terms of a co-constitution between social and material entities, human and non-human, that generate links with each other, and 2) offer analytical tools to address all these links symmetrically. Influenced by these ontologies, this paper problematizes the predominant approach in Design; a discipline that has approached the creation of material objects in terms of imposing an order on the world, privileging the intentionality of the designer as an agent of change, to the detriment of non-human and emergent ways of generating links. In the search to revert these predominant praxes, we explore an ontological predisposition that reformulates design processes in specific interventions that occur within general processes of co-constitution of realities. This reformulation allows us to approach design in a way that is situated in a more general becoming: in terms of sociomaterial hybridizations, where entities of diverse nature compete and ally to establish sociomaterial and naturcultural links.
Keywords: design
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 27-Jun-2021
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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