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Títol: LEARN-SQL : Automatic Assessment of SQL Based on IMS-QTI Specification
Autoria: Abello, Alberto  
Rodríguez-González, M. Elena  
Urpí Tubella, Antoni
Burgués, Xavier  
Casany, María José  
Martín Escofet, Carme  
Quer, Carme
Citació: ABELLÓ, A.; RODRIGUEZ, M.E.; URPI, T.; BURGUES, X.; CASANY,M.J.; MARTIN, C.; QUER, C. (in press). "LEARN-SQL: Automatic Assessment of SQL Based on IMS-QTI Specification". In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT08), Santander (Spain), July 2008, IEEE Computer Society Press.
Resum: In this paper we present LEARN-SQL, a system conforming to the IMS QTI specification that allows on-line learning and assessment of students on SQL skills in an automatic, interactive, informative, scalable and extensible manner.
DOI: 10.1109/ICALT.2008.27
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
Data de publicació: 2008
Apareix a les col·leccions:Parts of books or chapters of books

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