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Title: La influencia de la ética hacker en los ecosistemas de innovación social. Un análisis del caso de Frena la Curva y el modelo HIP
Author: Oliván Cortés, Raúl
Tutor: Muntadas Figueras, Borja  
Abstract: The hacker ethic represents the chain of values that characterized the founding movement of the Internet. Passion, creativity, freedom, community or social good, are opposed to the values of the Protestant ethic centered on work as a vital project, and crystallized in money, rationalization and bureaucracy, as ways of organizing complexity. Within the processes of institutional transformation, in recent years some concepts have emerged that challenge the hierarchical organizational model, such as open government or citizen laboratories, promoting another way of thinking about the public and the social, exploring unprecedented formulas for participation, transversal collaboration, open innovation and social design, to create new scenarios of connectivity and affectivity - the so-called ecosystems of public or social innovation - called to redefine the role of citizenship in democracy. Frena la Curva, a platform against the Covid-19 pandemic, was an experience promoted from these latitudes. Not in vain, it was conceived from the LAAAB (Aragon Open Government Laboratory) based on the HIP model (Hexagon of Public Innovation) which, in turn, synthesizes the creation of ecosystems in six vectors (Open, Trans, Fast, Proto, Co and Tec). In this paper we want to reflect on what surrounds and characterizes these innovation ecosystems through the case Brake the Curve1, looking for traces of the influence of hacker culture with the aim of vindicating the usefulness of this ethical framework in the design of new institutionalities. We will do so in dialogue with some ideas of philosophical thought (rhizome, system, action, general intellect' ) thus composing a theoretical-practical toolbox with which to face contemporary challenges.
Keywords: ecosystem
hacker ethics
social innovation
public innovation
Brake the Curve
HIP model
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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