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Títol: Identifying pedagogical, technological and organizational barriers in virtual learning environments
Autoria: Galofré Olsina, Maria
Minguillón, Julià  
Citació: Galofré, M.;Minguillón, J.. (2008). "Identifying pedagogical, technological and organizational barriers in virtual learning environments". In: ASSETS 2008. 10th ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Conference Proceedings. Pág. 237 - 238.
Resum: Virtual learning environments are online spaces where learners interact with other learners, teachers, resources and the environment in itself. Although technology is meant to enhance the learning process, there are important issues regarding pedagogical and organizational aspects that must be addressed. In this paper we review the barriers detected in a virtual university which exclusively uses Internet as the main channel of communication, with no face-to-face requirements exceptthose related to final evaluation.
Paraules clau: Accessibilitat
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DOI: 10.1145/1414471.1414516
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
Data de publicació: oct-2008
Apareix a les col·leccions:Parts of books or chapters of books

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