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Títol: Aggregating and deploying network access control policies
Autoria: Garcia-Alfaro, Joaquin  
Cuppens, Nora  
Cuppens, Frederic  
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. K-ryptography and Information Security for Open Networks (KISON)
Citació: GARCIA-ALFARO, J.; CUPPENS, N.; CUPPENS, F. (2007). "Aggregating and Deploying Network Access Control Policies". A: 2nd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2007). IEEE Computer Society. Viena. 10 - 13 de Abril.
Resum: The existence of errors or inconsistencies in the configuration of security components, such as filtering routers and/or firewalls, may lead to weak access control policies - potentially easy to be evaded by unauthorized parties. We present in this paper a proposal to create, manage, and deploy consistent policies in those components in an efficient way.
DOI: 10.1109/ARES.2007.34
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Data de publicació: 2007
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