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Title: L'acompanyament socioeducatiu de la dimensió sexual i afectiva de dones sense llar als centres residencials. Una aproximació crítica situada en un centre de Barcelona
Author: Grau Guardiola, Montserrat Alba
Abstract: This study aims to know the reality of the socio-educational accompaniment of the sexual and affective dimension in the context of a residential centre for homeless women (from the experience and point of view of a resident and a social educator) and to determine, based on academic literature with a feminist perspective, the appropriate tools to complete it. The research has been carried out using a qualitative, inductive and participatory-observation methodology, from a feminist and intersectional position and with a constructivist approach to sexuality. The results show that although the agents show interest and perceive the need and benefits of this accompaniment, there is invisibility and little accompaniment of the sexual and affective dimension. Finally, the bases of an applicability proposal to make this accompaniment effective are presented.
Keywords: women homelessness
sexual and affective education
social education
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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