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Title: Conlangs o Llengües Construïdes: Una anàlisi del quenya de Tolkien
Author: García Martínez, Silvia
Tutor: Alonso Martín, Juan Alberto
Abstract: There is little interest in constructed languages, languages that have not arisen from a natural process, but have been deliberately created by a person or a group of people. This voluntary creation implies that these languages present some characteristics that differentiate them from the languages used on a daily basis, the natural languages. This study aims to make, firstly, an introductory approach to constructed languages, also called conlangs, which will include a definition of what they are, their types and a journey through the history of the creation of artificial languages, to determine their considerations in society over time. Secondly, it is intended to elaborate an analysis of J. R. R. R. Tolkien's Quenya, with the aim of determining the processes surrounding the creation of a constructed language and the underlying reasons for its particularities. As results of the present work, a great importance of Tolkien, as a precedent, and of new technologies, as disseminators of the current conlangs, in spite of their scarce general relevance, as well as the importance of the function and context of a conlang during its construction, are remarked. These results have been obtained from an exhaustive bibliographical review of texts on artificial languages and from the analysis of the poem Namárië, the longest text in the Quenya language at present. In conclusion, intentionality is seen as a key element for its creation, a positive perspective on the future of conlangs based on an analysis of the current state and its possible use as a didactic or experimental tool.
Keywords: conlangs
constructed languages
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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