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Title: Creació d'un multiefectes d'àudio sobre Raspberry Pi i Simulink
Author: Mañosa Martí, Arnau
Tutor: Meler Corretjé, Lourdes
Others: Morán Moreno, Jose Antonio  
Abstract: Signal Processing is one of the specific subjects studied during the Audiovisual Mention in our Telecommunications Degree. Along with video processing, audio processing is the actual application of processes and manipulations on received signals. In the specific case of audio, processing can be done by temporary or frequency effects that affect the original signal linearly on nonlinearly. Thus, we can manipulate the signal in order to obtain another resulting signal according to the desired parameters. We currently have hardware devices built to do this task (for both Voice and musical instruments signals) and we also find software options, but in both cases it is difficult to find solutions that allow the programming and personalization of the various effects. This TFG, therefore, proposes the creation of a Device that allows the real-time execution of various audio effects. Programming is done on Simulink (a visual programming environment based on MATLAB) and on a low-cost computer (specifically, a Raspberry Pi) so that they can be used in live performances without the need for a conventional computer. In addition, and in order to adjust the effects parameters, different potentiometers are added for real-time manipulation.
Keywords: audio processing
real time
multimedia applications
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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