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Title: La realidad aumentada en la asignatura de aplicaciones ofimáticas del ciclo formativo de grado medio de sistemas microinformáticos y redes (SMR)
Author: Díaz-Galiano Fernández-Montes, Carolina
Tutor: Moral-Ferrer, José-Manuel  
Abstract: This TFM presents and analyzes a proposal of pedagogical intervention, using augmented reality and project-based learning for the subject of Office Applications belonging to the first year of the Medium Level Training Degree in Microcomputer Systems and Networks by using the TPACK-SAMR technological integration models from a constructivist approach. It is found that the students who are the object of the TFM present a low academic performance in this subject and a low motivation due to the contents of the subject and the methodology taught in it, being necessary a change. That is why throughout this TFM we propose to make a methodological change that involves students more in their own learning process and that contributes to a greater degree of efficiency in the skills and knowledge of the students who take it and thus enhances their training for the world of work. In order to carry out this methodological change, once the AR was justified as a tool for this change, a needs analysis and subsequent SWOT analysis was carried out, which revealed the feasibility of the proposal. Subsequently, the action proposal is presented, and it is also indicated how the quality of this action proposal is controlled by means of different instruments to guarantee its operational and didactic suitability. Finally, a series of conclusions are drawn from the realization of this TFM, as well as the limitations and future lines of work that may arise.
Keywords: augmented reality
training cycles
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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