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Title: A cavall entre Carduel i Montferrat. Les singularitats del Jaufré com a mostra de l’evolució de les novel·les de cavalleries a les novel·les cavalleresques
Author: Caro Domínguez, Javier
Tutor: Gerez Alum, Pau
Abstract: The Jaufré is a work that presents a series of characteristics that, sometimes, make it unique if we compare it with other works of the same genre. This work analyzes some of these singular aspects to see if they respond to a possible evolution of the chivalric literary genre: from books of chivalry to chivalric novels. To do so, the comparison between works, especially with the Curial e Güelfa as a representative of the chivalric novels, is the main analytical method, as well as the search for intertextual elements between the analyzed works.
Keywords: Jaufré
chivalric novel
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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