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Title: Anàlisis d Antenes Mitjançant MATLAB
Author: Sorribes Graells, Laia
Tutor: Anguera, Jaume  
Andújar, Aurora  
Others: Cobo Rodríguez, Germán  
Abstract: Nowadays the use of electromagnetic simulators for the study of antennas is inevitable, but often the software packages are not accessible in academic environments because of licensing costs and user experience and knowledge. In this work we intend to analyze the possibilities offered by MATLAB® for the study of antennas and antenna design in academic environments, analyzing different types of antennas included in the libraries of the MATLAB® Antenna ToolBox. We have studied the adaptation of different types of antennas to a frequency of 900MHz to observe how the bandwidth varies when we modify values such as ground plane, thickness or height and in which cases the use of each antenna is more appropriate depending on the specificity of the situation. We have seen that MATLAB® is a valid tool for the study, analysis and fast simulation of antennas and preliminary studies in academic environments, and MATLAB® could have many applications for future studies with antennas.
Keywords: technology engineering
antenna analysis
telecommunication services
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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