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Title: La IA, nou gestor de la ciberseguretat
Author: Fenés Castell, Jordi
Tutor: Luis Gargallo, Erik de
Others: Serra-Ruiz, Jordi  
Abstract: This paper aims to provide a background on AI (Artificial Intelligence) applied to Cybersecurity. It will show the origin and foundations of AI, its evolution, algorithms used, machine learning, deep learning and the different orientations of AI. We will add in detail, Cybersecurity as an orientation or specialty in which AI can be integrated, applied and evolve. Currently, AI is being used, implemented and evolving, in many fields and sectors, both public and private, to provide solutions to many and varied problems. The strengths of AI are: decision making, working with large volumes of data, obtaining patterns or relevant information from data, response time and can combine this with expert systems. Focusing this to Cybersecurity, AI can provide answers first to detect, mitigate and stop known attacks for expert systems. And second, it can support or correct shortcomings on the human factor such as: > Human failures in configuration > Loss of human efficiency in repetitive activities > Fatigue due to excessive threat alarms > Response times to threats > Identification and prediction of new threats > Reducing or maintaining specialized staffing > Rapid adaptation in the work environment. As a final trend and vision of all this, we will have the possible interaction of AI with the different elements or components (endpoints) of the network. And also the evolution of certain AI using other "Hardware" to meet the challenges of working with more data volumes.
Keywords: operating systems
artificial intelligence
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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