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Title: Factors de risc associats al dèficit cognitiu del malalt crític ingressat a l’UCI per causa no neurològica: Una revisió sistemàtica
Author: Elías Cembranos, Henar
Tutor: Turón Viñas, Marc
Abstract: Persistent cognitive dysfunction after critical illness is a common and disabling complication after ICU care. Its prevalence is increasing due to the increase in the use of the ICU and the increase in the survival rate of patients. However, the epidemiology has not been sufficiently studied and the factors and mechanisms of action involved remain unknown. This review gathers existing evidence and analyzes it to determine the main risk factors associated to the development of cognitive sequelae in critically ill patients admitted to the ICU for non-neurological cause. Of the 286 records identified, 12 observational studies in English were selected and examined from the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. From each article information was extracted about the author and year of publication of the study, sample and sample size, age of participants, duration of follow-up, definition of cognitive impairment, alteration and risk factors. Delirium was the most studied risk factor and the one with the strongest association with the development of post-ICU cognitive impairments in the short- and long-term. The main limitations include the heterogeneity of the methodology used reducing the comparison between studies, the possible presence of a bias due to unmeasured confounding factors and publication bias. It is necessary to continue exploring the risk factors associated with cognitive dysfunction in survivors in order to identify targets for developing preventive strategies.
Keywords: cognitive impairment
risk factors
intensive care
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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