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Title: Sexualidad adolescente y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación: una experiencia en un instituto privado con Talleres Reflexivos
Author: Anzaldi Pereyra, Luz
Others: Fernández-Ferrer, Maite  
Abstract: In the new age of digitization, information and communication technologies become a sex educator for teenagers; also in environments of daily use such as social networks, video games, series or online search engines. Analyzing the perceptions of adolescents from a private high school around sexuality on these platforms, the researcher evaluates the influence of the Internet in the construction of adolescent sexuality and the role of comprehensive sexuality education. The study presents a mixed sequential design, combining phenomenological method with surveys. The sample, with maximum variation, is made up of students in the third and fourth year of the high school, the external sex educator and the educational professionals of the center itself. The instruments refer to the participant observation, the in-depth interview, the reflective workshop and the questionnaire. The research results allow to conclude that the conceptions of collaborating adolescents tend to reproduce social patterns defined by globalization, consumerism and the hegemonic sex-gender system. Holding an annual external talk and eventual workshops within the school curriculum are not enough to remove patriarchal prejudices and inequalities, although there is an increase in the relationship of sexuality with affectivity and with the search for pleasure. In any case, the digital platforms studied are not treated in affective-sexual education, so the research is consummated with an educational proposal that integrates them.
Keywords: sex education
social networks
video games
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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