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Title: Análisis del apego en familias homoparentales españolas: Relaciones de apego parental y estilos parentales
Other Titles: Analysis of attachment in spanish homoparental families: Relations of parental attachment and parenting styles
Author: Huchet Álvarez, Daniel
Tutor: Dueñas Rada, Jorge Manuel
Abstract: This work was intended to analyze the attachment and parental styles of Spanish homoparental families with adoptive children and for this, two subgroups were established: families of lesbian women and homosexual men; In addition to a third of control: heterosexual families. It was sought to measure the mentioned variables, study their correlation and investigate the differences in attachment and those of positive parentality between those three subgroups. In this study participated 48 mothers and fathers belonging to families of lesbian women (14), homosexual men (20) and heterosexual families (14). To measure the variables, two instruments were used: the Attachment Scale CaMir-R and one of the three versions of the Positive Parentality Questionnaire according to the children's age strip. The results of this work show that safe attachment and positive parentality are related to each other and that homoparental families show safe attachment levels similar to heterosexual families. These data provide evidence to eliminate the stigma that surrounds this group in the matter of parentality, something that could facilitate the international adoption of these couples in the future.
Keywords: safe attachment
homoparental families
parental styles
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jul-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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