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Title: Diversitat sexual i afectiva en petites poblacions: l’experiència d’Òrrius
Author: Fancelli Font, Eva
Tutor: Giménez-Blasi, Nuria  
Others: Cassián Yde, Nizaiá  
Abstract: This is a Final Degree Project that originates from a personal need: to contrast the personal evolutionist idea that I had between town-city in terms of feminism and sexual and affective diversity. From this point on, a research that involves approaching three specific aspects is derived: (a) the legal framework that supports public policies on sexual and gender diversity, (b) the existing interpellation between feminisms and sexual and affective diversity, and (c) examining research and specific diagnoses on this topic in other population centers considered rural. Next, the qualitative research methodology offered by the Narrative Productions is used to analyze the situated experience of four LGTBIQ+ people who live or have lived in the population center of Òrrius. The conjunction of Marc Teòric and the Narrative Productions ends up deriving in an extensive analysis that allows us to rethink certain conclusions according to time and epoch.
Keywords: gender studies
sexual diversity
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 7-Jan-2022
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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