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Title: La necesidad de un horizonte: Análisis de las teorías conspirativas a través del nihilismo social.
Author: González Martín, Miguel
Tutor: Gómez-Franco, Irene  
Abstract: My intention, with the present work, is to investigate the phenomenon of conspiracy theories and to clarify the origin of their visions and acts as part of the process of cultural nihilism in contemporary society. Numerous factors can be observed, from the detriment of the state and the decadence of the social by means of individual optimism, to the deterioration of the scientific structure. A panorama that has aroused a suspicion towards the official sources of information and that is subtracted from a situation of disorientation and a loss of meaning in the contemporary individual, which lead him to try to find in conspiracy theories a new opportunity to reach epistemological consolation and a fertile ground to protect his beliefs.
Keywords: cultural nihilism
conspiracy theories
individualistic positivism
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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