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Title: Reforçant teixits amb perspectiva de gènere. Inclusió urbana i reptes del teixit urbà de baixa densitat de Begues
Author: Vinyes Marcé, Mireia
Tutor: Brandao, Carla  
Abstract: This paper develops its analysis within the framework of low density urban fabrics. Specifically, it investigates the case study of the municipality of Begues and the way in which its consolidated fabric facilitates or impedes the development of day-to-day activities. The objective is to investigate the possibilities of improving this fabric through urban planning with a gender perspective. To do so, the research focuses on the experiences of the people who live in the context of the study. Their observations and experiences constitute the primary source of information that nourishes the analysis. Along with this information, we work with the data obtained from field observations and research with secondary sources to define the urban context of Begues. This exhaustive analysis of the territory, together with the consultation of specialized literature, allows us to propose a series of strategies for the area of study that could be carried out to improve the urban environment of Begues with a gender perspective.
Keywords: gender perspective
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Mar-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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