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Title: Solucions habitacionals per a dones víctimes de violència masclista a la ciutat de Barcelona. Perspectiva de l’urbanisme feminista
Author: Rodríguez Moreno, Noelia
Tutor: Catalan Eraso, Marta  
Abstract: According to WHO data (2021), worldwide, one in three women have suffered physical and/or sexual violence at the hands of their intimate partners. In Barcelona city these data even increase, being 37% of women who have been assaulted by their partners (Barcelona City Council, 2019). The aim of this work is to give visibility to the situation of homelessness in which these women are left when they have to leave their homes and to give visibility to part of the work done in the fight against Gender Violence (MV) giving voice to women who have been welcomed to the resources of shelter and protection to the victim of Barcelona. Through research and analysis, a guide is established that will serve, both for public administrations and third sector entities that address this problem, to create projects that meet the housing needs of women victims of MVA (WVV). The concretion of carrying it out in Barcelona city is only to take a point of reference, known and close to us, but that, possibly, is reproduced in any other city around the world, where male violence continues to be one of the most predominant violations of fundamental rights worldwide.
Keywords: male violence
feminist urban planning
gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 4-Sep-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de estudios de género
Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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