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Títol: ePortfolios & Open Badges Maturity Matrix
Autoria: Ravet, Serge
Barrett, Helen  
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Centre for Recording Achievement (CRA)
Association De Prefiguration Ios/Internet Of Subject (ADPIOS)
Faculty of the Organization and Informatics (FOI). University Of Zagreb
Centre of e-Learning at AGH University of Science and Technology (CeL AGH)
Resum: The maturity matrix is inspired by the work done at Becta on e-maturity, the Self Review Framework and ICT Mark (2006) now transferred to NAACE (revised in 2014), a previous ePortfolio maturity matrix developed by EIfEL (2007) and the Australian ePortfolio Project, the Australian ePortfolio Initiative, Australian ePortfolio Toolkit (2008) and the work from JISC SURF. The main function of the framework is to provide a tool to facilitate the dialogue with practitioners, leaders in education and decision makers. The framework should not be used as a normative tool. It is very likely that some of the rubrics will not fit certain organisations and that they would like to rewrite or ignore some of them, or even create their own. This document is a result of the European Network of Experts and Practitioners ePortfolio (EPNET) Project (European KA3 - Lifelong Learning Programme, 2013-2015).
Paraules clau: e-portfolio
ensenyament universitari
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 2-jul-2014
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