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Title: Projecte final de semestre Taller de Fotografia: UrBancelona. Fotografia de carrer
Author: Càmara i Pérez, Sergi
Tutor: Barrero Alba, Jordi
Abstract: This work based on street photography has two objectives: on one hand, to show moments in which interactions between people or people and their environment reveal human aspects able to transmit a sensation, positive or negative through pictures showing the pure and simple unpredictability as the essence of the nature of human being and their everyday attitudes; as well as documenting an era, an environment and an urban context with the work as a whole. On the other hand, it has the purpose of calling into question the current restrictions which, with the law of the right to honor and to one's own image, seek to almost prohibit the possibility of exercising this photographic genre. Law that clearly conflicts with the right to freedom of expression and the right to information. Since the beginning, seeing ourselves, painting ourselves, photographing ourselves and showing how we are and what we do to the rest of the world has been useful and essential for humanity's growth and knowledge.
Keywords: photographs
street photography
photo report
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 29-Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Pruebas de Evaluación Continua (PECs)

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