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Title: Diseño del comportamiento: Aplicaciones en intervenciones online en salud
Author: Armayones, Manuel  
Abstract: Behavioural design is an emerging discipline that, from Psychology, collaborates in the design in general and that of online interventions in particular, both at the level of individuals and public health. Specifically, it focuses on the analysis of the "active principles" that provoke "behaviour change". That is, what are the characteristics and mechanisms of action of different strategies that can be incorporated into an online intervention. Behavioural design is supported by other disciplines such as usability, user experience, etc., but its focus is on achieving "behavioural conversion", i.e. getting the person to carry out the health behaviours they have proposed, and for this it is necessary to know how the application or health policy promotes "real change" and not only changes in attitudes and intentions.
Keywords: eHealth
public health
behavioural design
theoretical models
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Issue Date: 23-Feb-2021
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Appears in Collections:Recursos de aprendizaje UOC

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