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Title: Plan de marketing digital para Cruzzfit: Entrenamiento y salud
Author: Rodriguez Olvera, Cristina
Tutor: Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores  
Others: Cerdan-Chiscano, Monica  
Abstract: Nowadays, physical activity and sport are becoming increasingly important in people's lives, not only to get fitter but also to have fun, feel better and improve their health. Covid-19 has diversified the trends in the world of training, opening up a world of possibilities such as online training. On the other hand, the boom in training has made it clear that sport is not just for young people, but that anyone, regardless of age or time, can enjoy a bit of physical activity. Online training has emerged as a solution to the fear of contagion and limited mobility. Therefore, Cruzzfit diversifies its business and launches a new line of online training and proposes in the following work the development of a digital marketing plan for the company to gain brand awareness, improve its positioning and obtain more subscriptions to its face-to-face and online services. After a thorough investigation of the company and its context, the digital strategy has been defined, setting out its target audience, general and specific objectives and the tactics to be carried out in order to consolidate its digital image, obtain subscriptions and build customer loyalty. Finally, thanks to the cost-benefit study, we have established that the plan is viable and offers a solidity that makes its implementation advisable.
Keywords: personal trainer
online training
digital marketing
physical activity
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 20-Jan-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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