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Title: Negociaciones de paz entre el gobierno colombiano y las FARC-EP (2012-2016). Análisis desde la perspectiva de género
Author: Riba Caldés, Isabel
Tutor: Calbet Domingo, Néstor
Abstract: The women’s representation and their participation in decision-making in the field of peace processes is still very recent. Traditionally the war and the peace processes that followed it have been characterized by a more clear and intensified gender divisions due to the typical dynamics of patriarchal militarism. The case of the peace negotiations in Colombia (2012-2016) constitutes a milestone in terms of the application of Resolution 1325 owing to the incorporation of women in the negotiation spaces and the inclusion of the gender perspective in the Peace Agreements. This research analyzes the role played by the negotiating parties - the Colombian Government and the FARC-EP - and the role of Civil Society - more specifically that of feminist and women's organizations - to ensure that women had a highest priority role. Moreover, it is also studied their way in which the delegations arrived to consider the specific problems that women suffered during the armed conflict.
Keywords: peace negotiations
gender perspective
women's organizations
armed conflict
sexual violence
Gender studies
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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