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Title: Solución de ciberseguridad aplicada al vehículo conectado
Author: Nogués López, Jordi
Tutor: Prieto Vega, Mario
Others: Baneres, David  
Abstract: Final Degree Project on the issues of cybersecurity in the connected vehicle. Study on different vehicular communication technologies, on the regulatory framework of safety in the automotive industry, and development of a cybersecurity solution model accompanied by a practical exercise.
One of the funniest thoughts to highlight from the study of vehicular communication technologies is from a German manufacturer, who asserted that modern cars are becoming "smartphones on wheels". This analogy makes a lot of sense as, thanks to the Internet of Things and communication technologies, modern vehicles provide conveniences and even entertainment features that would have been hard to imagine just a few years ago. The problem that motivated this project is the cybersecurity of the connected vehicle, a pivotal factor for level 5 autonomous cars to become a reality. Firstly, the existing V2X (Vehicle to Everything) information exchange mechanisms were analyzed to understand the risks associated with communications, as they represent the main attack vector. The regulatory framework of the automotive industry was also examined to identify the aspects that require the most attention. This investigation led to the Vehicle Security Operations Center being identified as the main research focus for this project. Subsequently, the architectural requirements of a VSOC were studied and, according to the analysts' recommendations, the appropriate technology was selected. Afterwards, a solution was designed, and finally, an experiment was developed to address a specific type of attack. In conclusion, this work underscores the cybersecurity challenges the automotive industry faces and illustrates that solutions can draw upon the principles applicable to computer networks, albeit with specific IoT security strategies tailored for the process of alert capture.
Keywords: cybersecurity
connected vehicle
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 12-Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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