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Title: Inclusión y TIC en la Formación Profesional
Author: Abad Alonso, Francisco Javier
Tutor: Jiménez García, Eva  
Others: López Costa, Marta  
Abstract: The new Vocational Training Law (FP in Spanish) highlights the importance of being able to train students to integrate into a labour market that is going to experience substantial change in the coming years. In this context, people with Educational Needs (NEAE in Spanish) will be in inferior conditions if a response from the entire educational system is not provided to eliminate any barrier that hinders their Teaching-Learning process. To this end, ICT and active methodologies play an important role. The purpose of the current TFM is to help NEAE students of the Intermediate Vocational Training (FPGM in Spanish) and NEAE students of the Higher Vocational Training (FPGS in Spanish) to be able to obtain the Learning Results necessary to graduate, through the ICT. For this reason, the antecedents of the above-mentioned study problem have been analysed, the objectives formulated with their respective inquiry questions, the different theoretical concepts interpreted, and their interrelationships explained. Subsequently, the evolution of the subject within the scientific and disciplinary field has been analysed, as well as its relationship in the current educational context. From this analysis, questions have arisen about issues that could not be addressed in this work due to limitations but that may be the starting point for future research. Finally, the analysis and reflection on the most relevant aspects of ethical commitment have been incorporated into this TFM.
Keywords: inclusion
vocational training
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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