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Title: La integración de las infraestructuras en la matriz territorial. Caso de estudio: la veguería del Penedès
Other Titles: La integració de les infraestructures a la matriu territorial. Cas d'estudi: la vegueria del Penedès
Infrastructures' integration into the land matrix. Case study: the Penedès region
Author: Grases Pallerols, Albert
Tutor: Giocoli, Annalisa  
Abstract: Civil infrastructures establish an unintentional relationship with the territory, which comprises all interactions that do not serve the purpose for which were built upon. The negative consequences of this relationship can hamper their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals in the context of the current double crisis arising from biodiversity loss and climate change. This Master’s Thesis aims to design a methodology for integrating infrastructures into the so-called land matrix using urban and territorial planning instruments. Based on the analysis of several theoretical and practical approaches to integration developed in different fields of knowledge, four integration methodologies have been defined and compared, taking as a case study the Penedès region (Catalonia, Spain), which is crossed by Barce-Lyon megaregion’s infrastructures. These four integration methodologies have been associated with each other according to a plan or project decision-making levels and phases. Results show how integration approaches of very different nature can collaborate to improve infrastructures’ integration and how this analysis can be developed for a whole region on a strategic level using urban and territorial planning instruments.
Keywords: civil infrastructures
land matrix
territorial planning
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 3-Sep-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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